Motley Fool Asset Management 

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Here's the Foolish bottom line

TMFE provides instant exposure to the 100 most capital-efficient companies recommended by The Motley Fool, LLC, ranked by the three critical outperformance factors of:
gold building icon

Smart money decisions that deliver meaningful returns long-term.

gold building icon

Movement in the right direction.

gold building icon

Consistency and staying-power.

Introducing the Motley Fool Capital Efficiency Index ETF

The only ETF that gives your clients instant exposure to the top 100 most capital-efficient companies recommended by The Motley Fool, LLC.

How We Define Capital Efficiency

TMFE uses the Capital Efficiency metric to measure a business’s fundamentals and quality. When solid and transparent companies make smart decisions with their capital, we believe they deliver meaningful returns to long-term investors – not to mention value to their customers and the U.S. economy at large.

To us, a company’s Capital Efficiency isn’t reflected in gross profitability alone. TMFE goes several meaningful steps further by following the proprietary formula created by The Motley Fool, LLC Investing Intelligence Team. They’ve created an index using a “Capital Efficiency score” based on three precise factors:


Is it high or low?
A company should generate high returns on assets to be considered high-quality.


Is it trending in the right direction?
When it comes to the direction of profitability, the trend is your friend.


Is it consistent?
The market will always go up and down. If a company has a track record of growth year over year, in spite of rough patches, we believe it often reflects their strategic ability to overcome challenges. We believe in companies with historical staying-power.

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We Believe Well-Run Companies Make The Smartest Investments

From our perspective, a high “Capital Efficiency score” can be a sign of:

icon with three people An excellent management team with a commitment to corporate culture.

clipboard icon Strong, scalable execution of business strategies.

scale icon A healthy value proposition.

three arrows pointing up Potential long-term growth.

credit card icon with heartBrand loyalty and transparency.

blue building icon

These are all traits that The Motley Fool, LLC analysts prize when picking stocks – they’re the sorts of companies we think could potentially drive significant returns for your clients.

Empty talk can only take a company so far. A sustained track record on the other hand? That’s what makes a great foundation for a long-term portfolios, in our opinion.

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Precision Matters The Quality Equation

Take a closer look at TMFE's process:


The Motley Fool, LLC analysts research and hand-select stocks they think could deliver long-term growth.

Just like our other passive index-based ETF products, TMFC and TMFX, the starting point for TMFE is the Fool Recommendation Universe – stocks that The Motley Fool, LLC has actively recommended to its newsletter subscribers, or ones that have been included in the 150 top-ranked companies in the The Motley Fool, LLC analyst database, Fool Intel.

Why does this first step matter? Because some index funds on the market add holdings to their ETFs primary based on their size and sector. TMFE, on the other hand, has the advantage of real human analysts from The Motley Fool, LLC who dive into company filings and reports, evaluate business models, and make research-informed recommendations for each and every company that could eventually be included in the fund.


They run the pool of recommended companies through a smart beta formula to calculate each company's Capital Efficiency score.

The Motley Fool, LLC Investing Intelligence Team’s proprietary smart beta formula calculates the top 100 most capital-efficient companies from the Fool Recommendation Universe – using their unique criteria of profitability, growth, and stability.

Score Fundamental Variable Minimum Calculation Requirements
Profitability Average GPOA (Gross Profits/Total Assets) over the last 5 years Valid" GPOA data:
- Total Assets > $50M
- Non-missing Gross Profits
Growth Average y-o-y difference in quarterly GPOA, computed over the last 5 years At least 8 quarters of "valid" y-o-y quarterly GPOA differences
Stability Standard deviation of y-o-y difference in TTM GPOA over the last 5 years At least 8 quarters of "valid" LTM GPOA levels


In 2023, professional investors’ most common primary reason for investing in smart-beta ETFs was to mitigate risk.¹ You (or your competitors) might be among this majority – and it makes sense! You want your index funds to provide stability for your clients.

That’s why TMFE’s smart beta formula is designed to filter out what we believe to be capital-INefficient investments, narrowing down the pool to a blend of companies whose impressive, reliable track records set them up for potential long-term success.


Then, they add an additional diversification layer.

Each security in TMFE is capped at 4.8% to give investors more sector exposure and less single security risk.

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Holdings What's in this Fund?

By now you’re probably wondering, so what are these elite companies who’ve passed all three layers of the strict Quality score to be included in The Motley Fool Capital Efficiency 100 Index ETF?

While you might suspect we’d keep this proprietary information tightly under wraps, the truth is that our positions are no secret at all! We don’t mind telling you exactly what holdings make up this ETF.

Transparency is a core value for us, which is why we intentionally launched fully-transparent ETFs. We publish our full holdings every day so you can know exactly how your clients' hard-earned money is being invested and hopefully feel confident about our selections. Follow the link below to see the full list.

View Holdings

Performance Does this thing actually work?

In addition to our entire list of holdings, we are also proud to show you exactly how this fund has performed since its inception. Click below to view TMFE's performance.

View Performance

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Where does TMFE fit into your offerings?

TMFE could be a great fit for advisors seeking...

wheel icon A factor exposure, smart beta fund.

icon of a person relaxing in a chair Passive implementation of The Motley Fool, LLC’s active stock recommendations in one convenient ETF.

scale icon An alternative to generic market-cap weighted funds.

blue building icon U.S. equity exposure with mostly large-cap stocks.

three arrows pointing up, right, and leftDiversification across sectors.

bricks iconA foundation for long-term investment portfolios.

caution icon Potential for risk mitigation, volatility reduction, and above-benchmark returns.

three arrows pointing upCompanies with track records of profitability, growth, and stability.

blue building icon

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Here's the Bottom Line for you

You have the same goals for your clients’ portfolios as capital-efficient companies do for their business. You’re aiming for profitability, growth, and long-term stability. 

TMFE provides instant exposure to a diverse array of vetted, high-quality companies – from consumer brands, to healthcare, to innovative tech companies and more – that we feel have consistently turned their investments into stable growth.

Buy shares of TMFE today and let these TOP 100 most capital-efficient companies do the same for your clients' portfolios.

Introducing the Motley Fool Capital Efficiency Index ETF


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