Here's the Foolish bottom line
TMFE gives you instant exposure to the 100 most capital-efficient companies recommended by The Motley Fool, LLC, ranked by the three critical outperformance factors of:

Smart money decisions that deliver meaningful returns long-term.

Movement in the right direction.

Consistency and staying-power.
The only ETF that gives you instant exposure to the top 100 most capital-efficient companies recommended by The Motley Fool, LLC.
How We Define Capital Efficency
Capital Efficiency is how well a company invests its money.
Are they spending their capital to grow revenue compared to how much they are getting in return in profits? In other words, are they spending money to make money?
TMFE uses the Capital Efficiency metric to measure a business’s fundamentals and quality. When solid and transparent companies make smart decisions with their capital, we believe they deliver meaningful returns to long-term investors like you – not to mention value to their customers and the U.S. economy at large.
So what’s the formula to separate valuable, profitable companies from the rest?
It’s a million-dollar question analysts have debated for years.
A lot of researchers might tell you that “quality” comes down to gross profitability – the amount a business earns, minus what they spend to sell or make their products/services.
TMFE goes several meaningful steps further by following the proprietary formula created by The Motley Fool, LLC Investing Intelligence Team. They’ve created an index using a “Capital Efficiency score” based on three precise factors:

Is it high or low?
A company should generate high returns on assets to be considered high-quality.

Is it trending in the right direction?
When it comes to the direction of profitability, the trend is your friend.

Is it consistent?
The market will always go up and down. If a company has a track record of growth year over year, in spite of rough patches, we think it often reflects their strategic ability to overcome challenges. We believe in companies with historical staying-power.
We Believe Well-Run Companies Make The Smartest Investments
Many businesses proudly show off their sparkly exterior to the world, but only some are genuinely high-quality underneath.
Capital Efficiency, to us, is one of the best metrics to find out what’s under the hood.
From our perspective, a high “Capital Efficiency score” can be a sign of:
An excellent management team with a commitment to corporate culture.
Strong, scalable execution of business strategies.
A healthy value proposition.
Potential long-term growth.
Brand loyalty and transparency.
These are all traits that The Motley Fool, LLC analysts prize when picking stocks – they’re the sorts of companies we think could potentially drive significant returns for investors like you.
Empty talk can only take a company so far. A sustained track record on the other hand? That’s what makes a great foundation for a long-term portfolio, in our opinion.
Flashy stocks won’t cut it.
All of us have heard horror stories about companies like WeWork,* whose failed corporate governance, shaky business models, insurmountable debt, and too-rapid expansion proved they were nothing more than trendy and pushed them into bankruptcy.
We feel they don’t have what it takes to continue growing sustainably.
Now, close your eyes and think back instead to your favorite 1990s sitcom. In any given episode, you’d probably see brands you recognize – he’s drinking your favorite soda, she’s driving a previous model of your car, he’s pouring a bowl of your kids’ most-requested cereal…
Fast forward to those same types of products and services you use today from companies with this kind of staying power in your own life… with tech features that seamlessly connect to your phone, more sustainable materials to reduce your carbon footprint, next-day shipping with the click of a button… (it is the 21st century, after all *cue laugh track*).
These kinds of businesses have been through the dot com crash, the Great Recession, COVID, interest rate hikes, and more. And unlike stodgy companies that rest on their laurels, they adapt to the needs of their customers and find new ways to deliver value. The ones with true staying-power keep innovating, changing, and growing.
They continue to re-invest
and re-invent themselves.
Some capital-efficient companies build their success through popularity and brand loyalty, while others quietly keep the world running. You might not have heard their names, but you rely on them every day – they power your phone lines, manufacture your medical products, and host the website domains you visit on a daily basis.
What they all have in common is that they know how to operate efficiently and generate returns over any considerable time period.
We believe they could do the same for your long-term portfolio.
Precision Matters The Quality Equation
There are nearly 4,000 publicly-traded companies on the market. Even the most dedicated DIY investors don’t have enough hours in the day to research a fraction of them. Plus, not all stocks can be winners.
That’s why TMFE’s process begins by tracking The Motley Fool, LLC analysts’ stock picks, and THEN adds two more quality criteria – Capital Efficiency and diversification – to get down to 100 companies we think have the strongest potential for outperformance over the long run.
Take a closer look at the process:
The Motley Fool, LLC analysts research and hand-select stocks they think could deliver long-term growth for investors like you.
Just like our other passive index-based ETF products, TMFC and TMFX, the starting point for TMFE is the Fool Recommendation Universe – stocks that The Motley Fool, LLC has actively recommended to their newsletter subscribers, or ones that have been included in the 150 top-ranked companies in The Motley Fool, LLC analyst database, Fool Intel.
Why does this first step matter? Because some index funds on the market add holdings to their ETFs primary based on their size and sector. TMFE, on the other hand, has the advantage of real human analysts from The Motley Fool, LLC who dive into company filings and reports, evaluate business models, and make research-informed recommendations for each and every company that could eventually be included in the fund.
They run the pool of recommended companies through a razor-sharp algorithm.
The Motley Fool, LLC Investing Intelligence Team’s proprietary smart beta formula calculates the top 100 most capital-efficient companies from the Fool Recommendation Universe – using their unique criteria of profitability, growth, and stability.
Then, they add an additional diversification layer on top to make sure that you aren’t putting all your eggs in one basket.
Each security is capped at 4.8% with the goal of giving more diversification. This should offer you greater exposure to a wider array of sectors with less risk in any single holding.
Holdings What's in this Fund?
By now you’re probably wondering, so what are these elite companies who’ve passed all three layers of the strict Quality score to be included in The Motley Fool Capital Efficiency 100 Index ETF?
While you might suspect we’d keep this proprietary information tightly under wraps, the truth is that our positions are no secret at all! We don’t mind telling you exactly what holdings make up this ETF… Just follow the link below to see the full list.
Where does TMFE fit into your portfolio?
Our Portfolio Managers believe that factor exposure, through a smart beta fund like TMFE, should set you up for greater potential than a generic market-cap weighted fund like the S&P 500.
When you invest in the S&P 500, you’re far more invested in the top megastocks, known as the “Magnificent 7”, than you are in the remaining 493. If one of the giants falls, that portion of the fund falls with it.
Plus, if you’re invested in several generic market-cap weighted funds, you might be holding even MORE excess shares in just a few companies than you realize. Not to mention, hundreds of the remaining companies could be weighing you down when you could opt for vetted quality instead.
If the S&P 500 is a heavy bulldozer, we see TMFE like trusty jumper cables. You wouldn’t want your mechanic to take a bulldozer to your car when all you needed was to jumpstart the battery, right?
The goal of TMFE is to dial in on quality, using the 3-step process like a precise tool to create what we believe is a higher-quality fund – made available in one convenient, cost-effective package.
Our recommendation is to add TMFE to your brokerage account or your retirement account and hold on to it long-term to allow capital-efficient companies to work on your behalf, giving you the potential for compounding returns.
Here's the Bottom Line for you
You’re a smart investor. Which means you have the same goals for your portfolio as capital-efficient companies do for their business. You’re aiming for profitability, growth, and long-term stability.
TMFE gives you instant exposure to a diverse array of vetted, high-quality companies – from consumer brands, to healthcare, to innovative tech companies and more – that have consistently turned their investments into stable growth.